We don’t care that you released a new app.
We don’t care you want us to like you on Facebook.
We don’t care about your new promotion.
We don’t care that you “really value” our feedback so you need us to fill out a survey.
We don’t care about your email blast with a “special” offer.
We don’t care that you’re the next Facebook/Twitter/Foursquare/Tumblr.
We don’t care that you just got a 2nd round a VC funding.
We don’t care about retweeting your latest sales pitch.
We don’t care about your big launch date.
We Don’t Care About You.
All we care about is that you’re telling us a story that matches our vision of the world. That with you, we can get where we want to go with a little more ease, simplicity, and maybe excitement. All we want is you to lead us where we want to go.