I’m obsessed with video.
Not necessarily movies, though I do love them, but just short little amazing videos I stumble upon while surfing the internet.
I’ve had the desire to create videos for a while now.
This is the first video I made for a client. Nothing too exciting about it, but they were happy with it.
It was fun to make, but ultimately unsatisfying. I used a FlipCam and PowerDirector because I didn’t want to take the time to learn Final Cut.
A few months went by and I found myself frustrated by the large gap between my taste in video and talent level.
So I made a commitment to take video seriously and get better.
How To Get Better at Anything:
1. Have a strong desire to get better.
2. Have all necessary resources. I ditched the FlipCam and Power Director for a Canon 7D and Final Cut.
3. Find a project that will force you to get better.
At work I found a video project that I could attach myself to. I knew that if I committed to it, I’d have to choice, but to become much better with video that I currently was.
I committed to the project. This included – 8 hours watching Final Cut tutorials on Lynda.com, pushing through the learning curve with Final Cut, calling Apple and asking why Final Cut kept freezing, upgrading my RAM, and finishing the video at 4am. The entire video took somewhere between 30-40 hours to make.
All of the above wasn’t necessarily fun. But it left me with an end product that I’m proud of and eager to start the next video project.
Want to learn something? Find a project and commit to it. Without a project it’s too easy to quit when the novelty of starting something new wears off.
Connect with me on Twitter: @BenNesvig