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I’m giving away free marketing ideas!
Yes and no.
An idea that isn’t acted upon is often worthless. Sure, bad ideas can spur good ideas, but it’s hard to know what’s good until something goes into action. Until an idea is put into action, it’s worthless.
But what if you never have an idea to put into action, despite being motivated? I’ll at least get you half way there–for free.
Why take my ideas?
In the last year and a half of working with small business owners, it was devastating to see the potential they had (especially online), but wouldn’t execute on because they were just focused on the day-to-day of their business. If they had just put an ounce of creative thought into a few original ideas (or even stolen) there was so much more they could do.
The worst I can offer you is a different perspective on what you’re doing and where you can improve. If you differ, great. But there is a good chance I could give you a few ideas that you haven’t thought of before.
Interested? Fill out the form below or send me an email letting me know where you’re stuck or looking for help: ben (at) bennesvig (dot) com