A lot can be learned from one of my all-time favorite movies, Groundhog Day (Scriptshadow has more on it).
Most of us don’t realize how much it reflects our own lives. We all experience Groundhog Day to some effect.
Wake up. Drive to work. Do more of what you did yesterday. Come home. Eat dinner. Watch TV/Computer time. Bed. Repeat.
If you do the same thing every day, expect the same results (or to coast off a cliff).
For the sake of breaking up monotony and building your creative muscle: Do One Thing Differently Every Day.
When I worked a data entry temp job near the Mall of America, I went to the mall on my lunch break every single day. I didn’t always go there to eat, I went to experience something new. With a pocket notebook in hand, I’d go find a store I hadn’t been to or sit on a bench I hadn’t visited. I’d then write down at least one observation from that day. I made it a goal to experience one new thing and find one new observation.
Doing one thing different builds creativity.
Think of creativity as a bank account. Every unique experience you have is another deposit in the creative bank. The more experiences you have, the more creative power you’ll have to draw on. Trying a new restaurant, driving without a map, taking the scenic route, starting a conversation in the elevator–all of this builds your creative muscle.
Don’t get too comfortable.
Keep yourself alert, learning, and growing. One of the easiest ways to do that is to seek out a new experience each day.
Connect with me on Twitter: @BenNesvig