I love Trader Joe’s. It’s a quick 5 minute walk from my house so I’m there frequently – at least 2-3 times a week. They don’t know that though. They could. But they willingly choose not to know.
And if you look down further…
They could have access to over 2,000 people who have checked in on Foursquare, but they chose not to.
This is lazy.
Instead of projecting “‘we’re not on Foursquare” it says “We don’t care.”
You can’t afford not to care forever.
I don’t go to Trader Joe’s every time I need to visit a grocery store.
I also live very close to a Whole Foods, Byerly’s, and Rainbow.
There is an “arms race” to connect as a human working at a business to the customer.
Smart companies do this offline and online.
Most companies can afford to not care – at least for now.
But now isn’t forever.